Wednesday, January 29, 2014

final edited picture

photography final

For my five minute walk me and my bestie Emily went to a store and took pictures of animals and fishies. We had a lot fun together because not only were we taking pictures but we were making jokes and messing around at the same time. Earlier in the day we went to get bubble teas and when we were walking and drinking the bubble teas we would spit bubbles at each other. When we were walking around I have no clue how many weird looks we got but that could have also been from the fact we had fancy cameras. We started out just walking around the parking lot. I think that most people stared at us not only for our cameras but because we were messing around and pretending to be spy's, but only when we were out side. If we were acting like a spy in the store I don't think that we would have made it very long without them thinking we were casing the place. Even tho we were doing this for school we still had fun. Yes we did have to sneak around the employees to take pictures it was fun because we couldn't stop laughing after we left. She got her pictures of fishies and I got my pictures of animals/reptiles. Even tho we got the pictures we needed for the assignment we weren't done taking pictures of things. we went to a few other stores and walked around outside for fun. we had no clue that our teacher went to the same store as us around the same time. After a couple hours of fun and getting embarrassing pictures of each other it was time for her to go home :(. I am so happy I got to spend that time with her and have that much fun walking around with her and I knew that I would get to see her the next day at school. The End

Monday, January 13, 2014

layered Flowers and Hawaii